Most holidays for the Venetians and Italians are quite common with other Christian countries such as Christmas and Easter but there are some other religious or historical bank holidays that are only celebrated in Venice.

All the public holidays in Venice along with dates can be seen in the table below.


Public Holidays

New Year’s

1 January


6 January

Venice Carnival


Maundy Thursday

Date varies


Date varies

Easter Monday

First Monday after Easter

Liberation Day

25 April

Labour Day

1 May

Republic Day

2 June

Festa del Redentore

Third Sunday of July

Feast of Assumption

15 August

Historical Regatta

First weekend in  September

All Saint’s Day

1 November

The Feast of Our Lady of Health

21 November

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

8 December

Christmas Day

25 December

St. Stephen’s Day

26 December